Friday, July 06, 2007

iPhone iRony 2

Howard G. has a long and winding account of some new-adopters' experiences w/the iPhone. Frankly, I'm an ITP alum as well, and, while I learned a bit about getting devices to do what they're supposed to do (and what they're not supposed to do), I was a little disappointed in the enthusiasm on the ITP list. If I'm not permitted to write software for this computer/phone, I'm not really interested in it until someone writes a compiler for it and/or figures out how to get something going on it.

As far as 'how-many-ITPers-does-it-take-to-activate-an-iPhone' goes, I'm amazed at how well this worked for Apple and Cingular. I mean, imagine getting this integration work done? Who the hell wants to make a deal w/ubergeek Jobs? And, once you do, then what happens? If the $17.50/hr snotty macweenies that man the counter in the retail stores are called 'geniuses', what do they call the ones that show up at the meetings w/the Cingular techs? Applegodswhoeatallothergods? And what were they wearing when they showed up? Black hemp jodhpurs and invisible x-ray spectacles? If it were me, I'd pass on those meetings... just send me your technical brief and I'll email you a response in 3-4 business days.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

the 4th? Feh.

We are still at war dying and spending billions so that the Bush family and friends can continue their legacy of wealth. Little Bush has appointed judges to the supreme court who are now tilting things considerably more conservatively and against civil rights, I might add... which is neither conservative nor liberal, just anti-human. He also has now appointed himself 'judge', commuting a jail sentence for his friend, Scooter. At the same time, dozens of citizens of various countries have been rotting in prison for up to 6 years without being charged and without any sense of process for legal trial or justice. Privacy, expression, and the right to travel freely about the US and internationally has been curtailed. Private wealth and the greed to grow it further is once again weighing heavily on regular folks. This time, it's manipulation of mortgage securities by Bear Stearns and who knows who else. This could impact many people's ability to buy and sell their homes. What exactly is there to celebrate?

Happy 4th of July. I would suggest that we all eat a Scooter Pie, but don't bother. We already did.

Monday, July 02, 2007

iPhone iRony

Congratulations. You just bought an iPhone.

Okay, so, I'm not that old, but, I'm old enough to remember that telephone exchanges used to have names so you could remember the first 2 letters of your phone number. Mine was "Mohawk" (MO4). Aside from this. The whole iPhone nonsense is funny. There were people scrambling... nay, waiting for days to pay $600 for a phone. A phone that costs you ~$100+/mnth to run. Okay, so, value over the course of one year is equal to what... a luxurious 4 day weekend excursion to Paris? Or a decent used car? Or a really nice bicycle (or 2 very good ones)? Instead, you've purchased yet another EMF-emitting, battery-powered thing that allows anyone to remotely play a song in your pocket? So much for being green... and please don't forget to turn it off before yoga class, ok?

I hearken back to a story an old curmudgeonly boss told me once. He said, "Eric, what if I told you that I invented a device that would allow any asshole with a quarter to make a bell ring in your house. Would you want that device? And then, what if I told you that this invention was going to make me a wealthy man and that it would spawn one of the greatest monopolies since Standard Oil. Would you believe me?"

Yes, dear friends. That invention is the telephone. Okay, perhaps I'm being a curmudgeon myself here... but seriously. How about this... apparently you need to use iTunes to activate your new iPhone. Okay, so, let's say you went out and bought a new fancy microwave/convection/conventional oven. You get it professionally installed. But it doesn't work? It powers on, but, an hour later, the turkey meatloaf is still raw and cold. You call up customer service, and they say, "Okay, I've heard this one before. Try this... please plug your oven into your surround-sound receiver, and switch the receiver to AUX."

Curmudgeon? Bad consumer? Fine. But, if I'm not being a good consumer, you're a stunner, nay, a wild-eyed throw-your-money-at-the-hip-geek devotee. And, let me know if you find a good PT for that new repetitive motion disorder you've got from that stretchy-expandy gesture you have to teach yourself now.

The price of IKEA furniture

ok. so maybe I should learn to expect 2 to 3 trips to IKEA to get a functional piece of furniture that doesn't have the cheap veneers coming off of it. Do they have any quality control whatsoever? So, at least with this latest purchase they actually had the piece in stock in all colors/finishes. I was stunned when I heard this from the IKEA terminal drone. I guess it was too good to be true... the reason why they were all stocked up is because the boxes in the warehouse were filled with particle board covered with veneers that were applied with turkey spit. I think I'd rather deal w/the inventory issues.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Rowing in Jersey

And another thing... (gee, isn't this a banner blog day)...

I'm rowing again (sculling, to be precise). I only recently realized how close I am to the Nutley H.S. boathouse, otherwise, the home of the Passaic River Rowing Association ( Seriously, this is a dream come true. I haven't been on the water in damn near 15 years, and, here's a place to row right down the way from our new house. Killer!

Plus the Stewart's Root Beer stand is still right across the street. Mad props, shout-out la-la-la to those cats at Stewart's. I haven't been there yet, but I heard their milkshakes are cheap and good... like way less than the $4.50 you'd pay at lame-ass Johnny Rockets or some such place.

Ok.. off to get my ass kicked at bball at the Y.

De Ruggiero

Oh... one other thing worth mentioning. Perhaps anyone looking for real estate in NJ might recognize the ubiquitous yellow oval indicating a property being flipped via our good friends at Deruggiero Realty.

If anyone ever has occasion to deal with them, do note that they *do not* operate in a legal/good-faith manner, in my experience. In fact, I'd say they are rats... and not the cute ones the inhabit the PATH stations around here. I mean they're the mommy rats - big, fat, nefarious horrors.

I thought about complaining about them to the NJ Real Estate Board, but, here in Jersey these entities are 'local/regional'. I didn't bother checking into it, but, our lawyer told us that Robert Deruggiero Realty probably serves prominently on said board (or perhaps their close cronies do).

Anyhow, Bob, if you're out there and Googling yourself, feel free to contact me with another, umm, 'adjustment', and I'll take this post down. I mean, clearing that lead paint will certainly cost more than the measly check you gave me. And, I hope that you've fired that horrible agent/pawn you sicked on me and my wife. She should really have her licensed pulled. But you should too, as you were the agent of record on the scam that was our deal. Thanks!

And, anyone looking for real estate in Jersey, do heed this warning. Okay, I only did one transaction with these clowns, but, I assure you that the buyer who hired this nightmare will concur w/me 110%.

And, as to the seller... The house is working out, well, Dave, so, in the end we're reasonably happy. But, what's up with the electrical mysteries in the master bedroom? The dimmer closest to the window wall buzzes and sputters like a mini-tesla coil. And you left us with a completely rusted out p.o.s grill - wtf, pal? All in all we're good, though Dave. My lawyer tells me that we should be making at least as much as you did on your sale to us when we decide to move on from Congress St. Have a swell weekend at the shore, pal.

blogs are so great!

Wow, so, in addition to having boring conversations about weather with people in person, I've now expounded on it here too. Thrilling, no? The rain has been really torrential, no? Do you have electrical power? I do. Woweee.

Okay, so things are nice in Jersey, although weeds are definitely the predominant thing I'm growing in the yard.

I've been distracted by baking pies and various degustations cooked on a gas grill the size of a VW minibus - aren't we living the life, here? Propane is practically a blackmarket item around here... purchased in hushed back alleys... Presumably the intention is to make it harder to create makeshift explosives, but, unfortunately, the result may be that only the very determined griller (or terrorist cell) can obtain the stuff.

Web and mobile development work just won't let up at good ol' Red Cent Corporation. If you need something mediated via the web or any odd or sundry mobile channels, please take a number and we'll be with you as soon as possible.

Friday, December 09, 2005


ok... so, I was expecting to rake leaves shortly after we moved in, but, apparently we missed the window for that. The leaves are now buried under 6-8 inches of snow... I'm guessing the lawn will be ugly come spring thaw by semi-suburban standards.

point being... this seems to be someone's idea of a joke... we're shoveling the walk for the 3rd time in this, our first week, in the house.

can't wait for the windstorm that blows the patio table into the neighbor's yard... and then who knows what else...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


In the words of Joe Piscapoe... "I'm from Joisey... are you from Joisey?"

Here's a few pix of the new abode for all those who have patiently awaited said... and, no that's not our living room furniture, chochkees, and other crap... this was taken prior to the move. Just picture this piled with boxes, suitcases, bins, and with a bunch of bookcases scattered randomly. That would be the state of things at the moment. You too can come on over and stub your toes/dent your shins... woohoo!